Red Brain, Green Brain

My question to the class was, “How can we increase energy to the Green Brain? What actions can we take?”

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Year 1 and 2 responses were

I go and have a drink of water from my drink bottle.

The calm down area is the place I go to.

I find going for a run calms me down.

I go to a quiet place and take 10 deep breaths.

I only need 5 deep breaths.

Year 2 and 3 responses were

I take 5 big breaths and this makes me feel calmer. Emilia

I want to take some deep breaths and talk about it.

I go and drink some water.

I ask if I can go for a run. This calms me down.

Calm down area.

I ask to go to a quiet place and I want to talk about how I feel.

Room 12 created an poster using a large A3 size outline of a brain. The lower half is painted red and the upper part green. Using colour pastels the students created pictures of how they could calm their brain. These small pictures were then glued to the green part of our brain. This poster acts as a visual reminder of the actions students can take to change from a Red Brain to a Green brain state of mind.

jC WPS Staff 2025 Suzanne

Suzanne Flowers

My passion is to create a love of learning so my students become ‘lifelong learners’. My focus is the importance of acquiring knowledge so I can keep informed and keep my students up to date with new learning strategies.

I am a local here and enjoy all that Taupō has to offer. I love walking with my husband and dog by the lake or river, having coffee with friends, family gatherings, and gardening. When not in Taupō I enjoy being by the sea at Papamoa.


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