Using our digital technology knowledge - we knew we could create an effective brochure using Canva.
We researched our local businesses and found all we could about them. We added pictures, a map, contact details and what was available at this business. Our final piece of the puzzle was to write a short persuasive paragraph to add inside our brochure to explain why people should visit them.
We have recently been learning all the features of persuasive writing. This includes the use of rhetorical questions and emotive language to pull you in. We used these skills we had learned during our literacy time to add a persuasive paragraph about why people should check out that local business.
Nathan chose to create a brochure for Baked with Love. His persuasive paragraph used language that helps convince the business and staff is kind, caring and reliable to draw you in.
If you come to this fabulous store, you can get almost every single type of baked goods! With our lovely staff that will get anything that you want with fast service. The Baked with Love staff take some of our goods and sell them to small businesses. If you order something special like a fancy birthday or wedding cake you can watch them decorate the wonderful cake.
Zoe S had a go at using rhetorical questions to leave her readers thinking.
I think you should come on the Chris Jolly so you can experience fishing, see the Māori rock carvings and meet new people. It only takes an hour and a 1/2 in total. Why wouldn't you want to go on it?
This helped us when we created our own businesses in our box city. Students had to come up with a business idea, using a business plan. Giving us all the information we would need to decide if we would need that business. Students then created brochures to help advertise why their business was awesome, and why we should support them as a community. It was great to see students using their knowledge of digital technology and what they have learnt over the term. They worked together to give peer feedback and make sure their brochure was eye-catching and convincing.
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