Digital Technology In Action

The build digital technology skills progresses as students move through primary school. These skills are broken down into achievable tasks as part of the Wairakei Primary Digital Technology Progressions. By the end of Year 2 students are expected to know how to access a variety of apps and learning …

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Manual Grid and Direction activity supplied by Fiona Griffin

Room 12 has been learning these skills using Scratch Junior and Scratch. The basics of coding are taught by teaching and practising moving objects using directional language first on paper then using the apps.

One activity was learning how to move the spaceship on a paper grid using the coding directions: go, forward, left, right and stop. Students used this knowledge to navigate a spaceship icon from a past item to a present item. For example, using the directions from an old fashion bike to a modern day bike. Students had to check their instructions for ‘bugs.’ This action is called debugging.

Students working out the directions to use on the paper grid.

Once coding is mastered on paper, practise is needed using the apps and programmes. Year 2 students used iPads with the Scratch Junior application. The Year 3 students used Chromebooks loaded with the Scratch application.

I could use the building blocks on my i-pad to move my cat.

I learnt how to move the cat.

I added to the coding blocks on my chromebook to make the cat turn around

I can customise my cat and use the coding to move it.

By doing the manual version first it allowed the students  to recreate the directional movements using the various digital technology apps.

To advance coding skills students add more images and sound effects to tell a story. 

As the aim of the learning process was use coding to tell a story students used ‘The Creation Story - Papatūanuku the land - Te Ara,’ a Māori legend as their motivation.

The students created the part of the story where the brothers pushed the Gods apart. Success in coding was shown when the coded stories included, characters, movement, and using sound and speech.

William recorded: “Tane and his brothers pushed Ranginui and Papatūānuku apart to see the sunlight."
Levi recorded: “Tane and his brothers pushed them apart."
Grayson recorded: “ I enjoyed learning how to record my voice. Grayson Ranginui, the sky father, and Papatūānuku, the earth mother were together. The brothers didn’t like them to be together so they pushed the sky father away.”

jC WPS Staff 2025 Suzanne

Suzanne Flowers

Great teachers inspire. This belief resonates deeply as a lifelong learner. Good teachers inspire and motivate students to reach their full potential in a caring environment, a philosophy carried into every classroom session at Wairakei Primary School.

Specialising in Mathematics education creates opportunities to show students multiple strategies for problem-solving. Embracing a growth mindset encourages everyone to take risks, make mistakes, and most importantly, learn from these experiences. Time spent outdoors, away from the classroom, naturally sparks conversations about the environment and sustainability.

Being local to Taupō offers endless enjoyment of what this beautiful area provides. Morning walks with husband and dog along the lake or river, coffee catch-ups with friends, cherished family gatherings, and peaceful gardening sessions fill days with joy. When not appreciating Taupō's natural splendor, time by the sea at Papamoa offers another beloved retreat.

The classroom becomes a place where mathematics comes alive, where mistakes are celebrated as learning opportunities, and where students discover the tools they need to become confident, resilient individuals. Every day brings new chances to inspire young minds who approach life's challenges with curiosity and determination.

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