Sebastian said – let’s make something that will make people feel good.
Vera said - we need more dolls for the playhouse. Maybe we could make them.
Luca said - let’s do something to show kindness.
With this in mind, the class brainstormed ideas and came up with the concept of a Warm Fuzzy bag. We found and read a story about Warm Fuzzies and Cold Pricklies to motivate the students about showing kindness to others and how it feels if we are not kind.
As a class we were introduced to a simple technology inquiry process of research, plan, create, test, and share. Using this model, students developed an understanding of the processes involved in bringing a product to market.
In groups, students noticed what colours and font size advertisers used on a variety of packaging.
Students noticed
There were photos of the products.
Lots used red and yellow colours.
All of them had barcodes.
They had logos.
There were some big font sizes, some medium font sizes and some really small font sizes.
This lead to researching common logos and discussing as a class how the colours made us feel.
Red makes me feel happy and that I want a drink of coke
Green makes me think it might be healthy
Blue makes me think of swimming
Blue makes me think of having a drink
To put this new knowledge into practice, students worked with a buddy to create a Poster using Pic Collage.
I used red because it stands out. I drew warm fuzzies all around and used a big font.
We used big letters and drew warm fuzzies so our poster would stand out.
Students used a template to design and plan the other products that would be in the Warm Fuzzy bag. These included wool warm fuzzies, peg people for our dolls house and to bring a smile to our whanau at Market Day, chatterboxes and some cards. For each of these items, students followed the Technology Inquiry process.
It was my idea to make Peg People for the playhouse. We traced around the peg then coloured in the colours of the fabrics we wanted to use. We researched how to make Peg People on the ipads. I’m going to add googly eyes to my one.
By linking the technology ideas to the class writing, students wrote simple procedures about how to make the items for the Warm Fuzzy bags.
I have learned that following the process helps me to get my ideas in order. It’s ok to make mistakes and to go back and make changes.
Students have enjoyed this process as it created conversations and a range of alternative ideas to use and explore. They learned what makes people buy products. They have learned to use a technology process to create an end product they can be proud of.
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