Searching for the Right Angle

Whether they are acute or obtuse, the world is full of angles. Students in Room 3 put their observational skills to use as they discovered a variety of angles in their surroundings.

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Room 3 learned how to identify acute, right, obtuse, straight, and reflex angles. Working in pairs, they crafted colourful posters using popsicle sticks to show their understanding, and to prepare themselves for the angle hunt that they were about to embark on.

With their posters in hand, students headed outdoors in search of the various angles that they had learned about. It didn’t take long for them to start pointing out angles all over the school grounds. Alma and Avery led the way by showing the rest of the class a right angle painted on the concrete.

This angle is 90° which makes it a right angle.

Jaxon and Logan were excited to discover a right angle on the edge of the playground, while Indigo and Sadie found an obtuse angle on the carving at the entrance of the maze.

An obtuse angle is bigger than a right angle, and smaller than a straight angle.

Heading into the gully, Austin and Riley were quick to point out acute angles everywhere, particularly between tree branches. The observational skills of students in Room 3 were on full display as they identified angles in their natural surroundings.

As an extension task, some students began searching for a golden angle (137.5°). This is a specific type of angle which can be found in the arrangement of some leaves, seeds, and flowers. Growing at this angle helps plants maximise efficiency in growth. Kase and Wyatt used a piece of paper which had been measured and cut at 137.5° to search for these angles.

The angle that this branch is growing from the tree is almost exactly a golden angle!

Finally, students showed their learning by making various angles using their bodies. Spencer and Harrison made a right angle, while Austin and Riley showed the rest of the class how to make an acute angle.


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