Jeannie Young
If the shoe doesn’t fit, must we change the foot? - Gloria Steinem
Every child is unique, with their own way of learning, thinking, and being. A great teacher recognises these differences, while creating an environment where every student has the opportunity to discover their strengths and passions. With varied learning experiences and an environment that values difference, students are more likely to be their best selves.
Working with children with diverse learning needs has reinforced my belief that every child has unique strengths, and it is essential to provide opportunities for them to experience success as an expert in whatever they excel at. While some children are effective problem solvers, others have strengths in literacy or numeracy. Some students are talented artists and some have a gift for anything sport related. Valuing and nurturing students’ individual talents can help build a sense of belonging, confidence, self efficacy and self esteem, all essential components of an effective learning environment.
When not teaching, my love of animals, reading, farming, and pilates provides me with variety and serves as a reminder of the many paths students may take in life. It is a privilege to be part of their educational journey at Wairakei Primary School, and I value this responsibility.