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Getting into Geothermal
GNS Science/Te Pū Ao sponsored the Geothermal Science Competition for primary schools in Taupō, Rotorua and Kawerau. We were keen to join in, share ou…
Geogurls Power Station by Sienna and Mackenzie
We are building a cardboard power station. At the bottom of the main cardboard box, it was our plan to have a fan that blows flour through a toilet ro…
Our Power Station Wairakei - Geothermal Dragons
Our design considerations
Our Power Station - The Power Monkeys
Part 1: The things that we used to make our power station were pretty simple. First we found a place to work and laid out our newspaper and we were re…
Steam All The Way - video script
A: Hello and welcome to our geothermal project, I’m Alyssa.
I: I’m India S: I’m Sophie G: I’m Gracie a: and I’m Avery
I: I’m India S: I’m Sophie G: I’m Gracie a: and I’m Avery
Welcome to our Power Station by the Ducky Squad
How Geothermal Power Stations Work
First the steam that comes out of the selected geothermal hot spot gets transferred through the metal pipes to the…
First the steam that comes out of the selected geothermal hot spot gets transferred through the metal pipes to the…