Posts by Angel Chauval
< 1min Read
Harnessing your Chi
Room 11 has been exploring the ancient art of Tai Chi. It's been an exciting and enlightening experience, as we delved into the rich cultural heritage…
< 1min Read
Wairakei Air - Exploring China
Room 11 has been learning and exploring the culture of China. Our adventure began with immersive lessons about air travel, where we took imaginative t…
3 min Read
Discovering Conductivity with Microbits
The class have been diving into the world of digital technology and science, starting with the basics of circuits and then extending our learning into…
6 min Read
Exploring the Evolution of Technology: A Journey for Parents
Room 11 embarked on a journey through time, exploring the evolution of technology. From the early days of electricity to today's sleek gadgets, the st…
4 min Read
Where Curiosity Ignites
Curiosity is sparking as they question, explore, and keenly observe the wonders of the world. From delving into the mysteries of fossil formation to p…
Poihipi Learning Adventures
Poihipi have taken learning beyond the classroom for its inquiry Kaitaki - Call to Action karanga ki te mahi. Each class has explored native flora and…