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The Great Unnesting

Room 10 students have been working to deepen their place value knowledge. Understanding different views (unnested views) of numbers allows students to…

Probability Fun

Weather is problematic at the best of times so using it as a way to introduce Room 12 students to probability was a fun and interesting  place to star…

Show Me the Money

Financial literacy is a part of the New Zealand maths curriculum and is also a fun area of maths to explore.

Don't Trip Up

Mrs Foley has a problem! Well two actually.

Meet the Mathletes


noun | ˈmath-lēt

A person who competes in math competitions, often possessing skills in solving complex problems under time constraints, si…

From squares to sponges

Room 11 explored the fascinating world of fractals, with particular focus on the Menger Sponge. From the simple understanding of a square to the compl…

Skip Counting in 5's

Skip counting is an extremely useful mathematical skill. By learning to skip count students notice number patterns and increase their number knowledge…

Unmasking the Beauty of Symmetry

Room 16 embarked on a  journey that blended the world of art and mathematics. During our inquiry about the world around us, we focussed on Italy.

Perfectly Measured German Pretzels

Room 12 has been learning about German food and culture. One of these foods is pretzels.

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