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Making a Splash

After a hiatus, school swimming sports returned with gusto and saw our Year 4-6 students competing in a number of races at the AC Baths, with many lit…

Super skippers

Skipping is one of those skills that, once you have it, you need to continue to practise and maintain a base level of fitness.

What happens when you bring an expert to school?

You get students jumping rope all day doing tricks and learning new things.

Is it baseball? Is it cricket? Well, it’s both!

Room 2’s young athletes are diving headfirst into the experience of striking and fielding games, with a blend of skill, strategy, and sheer determinat…

How Lucky Can You Be?

Luck - Success or failure apparently brought by chance rather than through one's own actions:  "it was just luck that the first kick went in". Oxford …

2023 Athletics Champions Achieve Three in a Row

The pathway for success started with athletics training sessions in Term 3, leading up to the Wairakei Primary School Athletics Day. For some, that da…

Shot Put

Primary school athletics days bring back memories for everyone.

We all had our favourite and our loathed events - shot put was one of my favourites.

Cross Country 2023

he 2023 Wairakei Primary School Cross Country was a huge success.

Let’s Get Physical, Physical

Rain lashes our classroom windows. Inside sixteen five-year olds are getting fractious as they try their best to listen to their teacher. What is a te…

Jumping Fun: Paper, Scissors, Rock

Room 16 got introduced to an exciting version of "Paper, Scissors, Rock" that adds an extra layer of active engagement. Students jumping inside hoops,…

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