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4 min Read

As Easy As Turning On The Lights

Room 8's inquiry focused on electricity, examining both how it reaches the power outlets in our classrooms and homes and its positive impact on human …

Silver fern art

Did you know silver is found only on the undersides of mature ponga fronds?
3 min Read

Leaving a Positive Footprint

Room 13 students discussed how they could leave a positive ‘footprint’ around Wairakei Primary. A footprint meaning leaving some kind of impression or…

How Lucky Can You Be?

Luck - Success or failure apparently brought by chance rather than through one's own actions:  "it was just luck that the first kick went in". Oxford …
4 min Read

Room 14 Eco Warriors

Room 14 focused on becoming eco warriors by learning about the dangers facing the Earth due to pollution and climate change.

Whakaoti Rapanga

I orea te tuatara ka patu ki waho - A problem is solved by continuing to find solutions.
4 min Read

What do the students think?

During our ‘Your Voice, Your Choice’ inquiry in Term 3 this issue was forefront in the eyes of the students as a key political policy. Many students w…
3 min Read

Winning the Party Vote

During the lead up to an election New Zealand’s political parties are easily identified by their logos. Each party’s logo is distinct to them, uniform…
3 min Read

Red Brain, Green Brain

My question to the class was, “How can we increase energy to the Green Brain? What actions can we take?”
4 min Read

Your Voice! Your Choice

How does the electoral process work? Room 6 took a look at the background behind the New Zealand elections process.

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