Need for Speed

Te Mihi students have been working on the need for speed. Instant recall and memory are very important. Each week students have all been taking part in the basic facts speed test. 

The test consists of 100 random basic maths facts that include addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Th…

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The test consists of 100 random basic mathematics facts that include addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The goal is to complete as many as possible, correctly,  in six and a half minutes.

Some students were nervous about the idea of doing a timed test. Once they had done a few of them they could see instant results and the improvement from week to week right in front of them, and they were very happy with their progress.

From doing the tests, I learned more five times tables. I am getting quicker at my twos and threes as well. I started to remember some divisions too. I got quicker at adding. My first-ever score when we started these last year was 22; now, my highest is 62. I practise by using maths games in class.

On the first maths test, I got 27 and on the highest one I achieved 80 so I practised and practised at home with my mum and my dad to get a higher score.

Each week on a Wednesday, we sit down after morning tea to do our test. Ready with a pencil and a pen to mark and the timer on. We all sit and mark it together once the timer is up. Students then take their results and mark them on an individual graph they keep in their maths books. If they improve on their own score each week, students get Tokarewa stickers to add into their books.

Each student knows what their score to beat is. The goal is for the students to improve their own scores each week and get quicker at doing so.

The basic facts test was hard at first. I got a least 82 the first time, but then I improved and got 94. When I improve I am awarded five stickers. Even though my high score is 94, I still try to get a better score. I have realised that I should practise my division.

On my first basic facts test, I only got 67. On the last one we did, I got 97. We all do prototec to help us get better at maths and help us learn our times tables. We have to answer 100 questions and see how many we get right. We use study ladder to help us learn some more maths.

I keep going over my test at home to help me learn new times tables. I have learned some division facts as well. Whaea Teagan helps me work out the answer instead of just telling me the answer, and that helps me remember it. My lowest score was 26, and my highest score was 61.

I also take part in the test with the students, and occasionally I get one or two wrong. This helps students to see that sometimes we make mistakes and that’s okay.

jC WPS Staff 2025 Teagan

Teagan Hill

Having initially begun my career in education as a teacher aide in 2016, I have thoroughly enjoyed working alongside students to build their confidence and develop pride in their identity. I’m passionate about te reo Māori and kapa haka, as I firmly believe this is an important part of students finding their identity and sense of belonging as a student in Aotearoa.

With a particular focus on building students’ mana, I have developed a strength for building connections and relationships with my students. In my daily practice, I seek to achieve this by encouraging students to step out of their comfort zone, and show opportunity by giving everything a go.

Outside of the classroom, you can find me getting lost in my kindle or spending time with friends and whānau at the lake.

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