As kaitiaki and guardians of our environment, Room 9 has started learning about protecting and caring for our surroundings. They've begun to examine the role of worms and their positive impact on ecosystems.
To start our adventure of learning about worms, we considered their purpose, diet, appearance, and habitat.
Throughout the writing process, students in Room 9 found that there were important aspects to include in their letters.
- Spelling the name of the person correctly.
- Making sure they took their time forming letters so that someone else could read it.
- Include their names so the reader knows who the letter is from.
After identifying people with worm farms, we created and discussed a set of questions to pose to the worm farm owners. The questions were then sent out via email to the worm farm owners. The next steps will be for students to compare and contrast the answers to their questions using a venn diagram to see if every worm farm is the same.
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