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We have a couple of teaching vacancies

Years 3&4 Classroom Teacher and Years 5&6 Classroom and Release Teacher

Teacher Vacancies

Extending the classroom: Happening Now

Keep Learning

Science, The Arts, Social Sciences
< 1min Read

Silver fern art

Did you know silver is found only on the undersides of mature ponga fronds?
Science, Technology, Mathematics and Statistics
< 1min Read

Mānuka and Kānuka Healing

New Zealand’s native plants have been used for centuries for their medicinal purposes. Room 3 inquired into how they could use locally sourced plants …
English, Mathematics and Statistics
< 1min Read

Hey Diddle Diddle: Nursery Rhyme Magic

Nursery rhymes are more than catchy tunes because they can provide a structured framework for a child’s development, offering repetitive patterns that…
Technology, Mathematics and Statistics
< 1min Read

Never Eat Soggy Weetbix

How do you remember the points on a compass? Can you follow directions?
The Arts
< 1min Read

Cool and Warm colours unpacked

The Creation Station is an area in Room 12 where students make a variety of creations using paper, cardboard, crayons and felts. I noticed that many o…
Health and Physical Education
< 1min Read

Is it baseball? Is it cricket? Well, it’s both!

Room 2’s young athletes are diving headfirst into the experience of striking and fielding games, with a blend of skill, strategy, and sheer determinat…

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