When asked what he learnt at his rolling activity
We did underarm bowling so people that don’t know how, can learn. I had to bend my knees, get down low, look at whatever I was bowling at, then bring my arm forward to roll the ball.
Throwing Activity
With Whaea Angel we had a rainbow ball in the middle of me and my buddy. We had to do an overarm throw with a marble ball to hit the rainbow ball. We had to aim at the ball with one arm, then we had to push and throw the ball with the other.
When catching a ball, students practiced watching the ball go into their hands and using soft hands to catch. If the ball is coming to them slower and in front of them, they should try to use cupped hands to catch it.
The games help me get better at sports. I’m a bit bad at basketball and touch, so the throwing is helping me get better.
The best part is getting fresh air and burning off some energy.
I was with Ms Bowler. It tested my throwing. I was good at it. I had to throw it underarm. It went up a little and then landed. Underarm is easier than throwing overarm.
Teachers have been encouraging students to take the Opportunity to learn new skills, have fun and show resilience if something doesn’t go their way.
I don’t get sad. It’s okay to drop the ball because I’m only learning and having fun.
I just try my best. I like throwing the ball to my friends.
Feedback from teachers and students suggest that there has been some great learning taking place during PE sessions, along with plenty of smiles. One area to work on for students is hand-eye coordination to successfully track the ball from the air into their hands.
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