Library and Scholastic Book Fair

Thank you to our community for supporting our annual Scholastic Book Fair. This was a successful Fair with the school receiving over $2000 to be spent on books and resources. The Book Fair is always well attended by students and whānau and I love seeing what’s new and popular.

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Bonnie and Romi

At the beginning of the year we received a very generous donation from Andy Haslip of $1000 to go towards purchasing new books for the Library. I was able to purchase books to fill  gaps in some of our well loved series and increased our collection of nonfiction and picture books. These were very well received by the students and Teachers. Thank you so much Andy for this donation.

James and Scott won $200 through their athletics Club at the start of the year that had to be given to Wairakei Primary School. This was subsequently given to the school Library. I discussed with the boys what sort of books they would like us to purchase and they requested books on snakes, dinosaurs, fish and vehicles.  A huge thank you for this donation

James and Scott

jC WPS Staff 2025 Penny

Penny Fischbach

I have had many varied jobs over the years but I have now found my niche. I have been involved with Wairakei Primary School since 1994, firstly as a parent and then as a member of staff. My first position was working as a Teacher Aide, then in 2010 became the Librarian. I work predominantly in the Library but also support students and colleagues in the classroom.

My husband, Paul, and I have lived in Wairakei Village since 1988. Paul works for Contact Energy as one of the longest serving staff members. Our girls, Renae and Morgan, were both students at Wairakei Primary School, actually so was Paul for a short time, plus one of our granddaughters.

Wairakei Primary School is the most incredible school. We as a staff support each other in any way we can and are here for the betterment of our students ensuring they remember their primary years as positive and enjoyable. Our children’s primary school days are often the ones where memories are made and they carry those memories with them forever.

You are always welcome to call into the Library whenever you are in the school or get in touch if you have any queries.

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