Matariki nine stars

As part of learning about Matariki, the students of Room 7 searched deeper into the meaning of the nine stars that are part of the Matariki cluster.

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Everyone had to investigate the different Matariki stars and what they represent. 

They read descriptions of each star, thinking about their own personal experiences and began to make special connections.

Once learning about all of the stars as a class, students then had to think about which Matariki star they felt the most connection to. Each star has a different area of life they protect and represent. They had to think about the following two questions. Which one do you think connects to your life? What is it about that star that you feel connected to?

Once chosen, they had to create a piece of art to represent their Matariki star as a person. What do they think this star looks like? They needed to include parts of the stars’ description that would help them to be identifiable.


Matariki is the central and brightest star of the cluster, and it represents the mother who is surrounded by her eight children. It is often considered the leader of the group. I chose matariki as my star. She is the star of well being

She is the mother star of the cluster

Her oldest daughter (Pōhutukawa) represents death and setting sun

Matariki is also known as the brightest star and can bring goodluck.



I chose Hiwa-i-te-rangi as my Star.

She represents life and the rising sun.  

She is the final star in the cluster.

Her sister Pōhutukawa represents death and the setting sun.

Hiwa-i-te-rangi Is also known as the Wishing Star.  We send our wishes into the sky for her to bring into the new year.

I chose Hiwa-i-te-rangi because I wish to win the Year 6 sports reward.



Tupu-ā-nuku is the Matariki star of soil and crops. He makes everything that can grow in the ground. If Tupu-ā-nuku shines bright at Matariki you will get good crops during the year, but if he is not bright it won’t be good.

I chose Tupu-ā-nuku because I want him to bless my soil at my farm to help my crops grow so that we can have food.



Tupu-ā-rangi is the Matariki star of the forest and the birds on the Matariki nights when it is not cloudy then he will shine bright and he will give you lots of food from the birds and the trees like apples and eggs, but if he is not shining bright and it is a cloudy night then he will find it hard to give you food from the birds and the trees. 

I chose Tupuarangi as my star because I care about the forest and the animals in it. I like taking my dog Ray on walks in the bush and also me and my family go on walks in the bush.



Waitī is a freshwater star with food from the fresh water. and protects the beautiful lakes, rivers, streams, and wetlands. She also protects the food in the waters but mostly the actual fresh water. She makes the water clear, beautiful and alive. People say that if Waitī is shining bright the water will be beautiful and filled with fish but when she is not shining so bright the fish are hiding and the freshwaters aren’t the same. 

I chose Waitī because I love the water and I always have ever since I was a baby. Water has been my source of happiness and fun for ages. So that means that I love Waitī for her water and yummy food. I love how the waves splash and the fish play in the water. But I mostly love being in it. The water can be scary sometimes but it is mostly beautiful and amazing. 



Waitā represents the ocean. He is the star of seafood and seaweed, also kina, even including all types of fish. Waitā is like the ocean. Some days he's calm, some days he is rough. Waitā is sometimes blurry in the sky at night. That means that you would get bad luck when you're fishing and if it's clear at night you will get good luck with fishing but you should be able to see him at night but you might not be able to see in the water.

I chose Waitā because I love the ocean. I go there all the time well most of the time not always. I feel like I'm at home because I got there a lot. I love listening to the ocean and I find all these cool shells. 



Waipuna-ā-rangi is the star of rain. Watching the rain as it falls it’s a sign that she is mad. If you can’t see her at Matariki then the year will be full of rain and cloudy skies. If you can see her clearly then there will be many clear nights. When she feels sad she rains on the plants and watches them grow and sprout.

I chose Waipuna-ā-rangi because when I feel sad  I will start to cry or just shed a tear. When I'm sad I like to snuggle with my cats and for Waipunarangi the plants are like her cats or just something that makes her happy and makes her smile.



Ururangi is the Matariki Star that represents the winds. The winds can be gentle and cleansing. At Matariki if the star is bright it means the the winds for the year will be calm. If the star is not shining bright then the winds will be bad and rough.



Pōhutukawa represents death and letting go of someone who has passed away that you think you’re ready to let go of. She is described as the setting sun.

I chose Pōhutukawa because I have lost a lot of people in the past that I did not want to let go. Now I know they will always be safe and always loved. I trust that Pōhutukawa will take care of my loved ones as whetu in the sky.


jC WPS Staff 2025 Teagan

Teagan Hill

Having initially begun my career in education as a teacher aide in 2016, I have thoroughly enjoyed working alongside students to build their confidence and develop pride in their identity. I’m passionate about te reo Māori and kapa haka, as I firmly believe this is an important part of students finding their identity and sense of belonging as a student in Aotearoa.

With a particular focus on building students’ mana, I have developed a strength for building connections and relationships with my students. In my daily practice, I seek to achieve this by encouraging students to step out of their comfort zone, and show opportunity by giving everything a go.

Outside of the classroom, you can find me getting lost in my kindle or spending time with friends and whānau at the lake.


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