Swoop Week

A “swoop” is a descriptive writing activity where students respond to an image.

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Every student must write at least five sentences that describe what is happening in the image. 

The goals for the students are to:

  • Use different types of sentences
  • Identify the types of sentence they have written
  • Identify the subject, and the verb that are in their sentences

Mrs Spargue gave her class an example of a swoop as an activity for writing.  This shared writing task showed  how to use different sentence types in the writing process. It encouraged students to identify the subjects and the verbs in each sentence.

Room 3 students' swoops and reflections.

Over the week of writing this way progress was made.

I was most proud of my swoop about the hangi because I used different types of sentences. In my first swoop all of my sentences were simple.

Making sure we had the correct punctuation in our sentences was challenging, especially getting the commas in the right places.

I enjoy writing swoops because you don’t have to write too much but you do have to think a lot.

The adverb start is my favorite kind of sentence because you start with how the subject is feeling.

I managed to include two preposition start sentences in my swoop about the football stadium.

I got to choose my own picture to swoop about.

Visual prompts were used to show different types of sentences that could be used  in our writing.  These examples also show students how to include the correct punctuation. Punctuation is a goal for the whole class to work on and it is good to reinforce how to use it correctly as often as possible.

jC WPS Staff 2025 Sara

Sara Sprague

Every child deserves a classroom where they feel valued and well liked by their teacher. This is a goal of mine as it makes a safe place for students to learn and grow. While I enjoy all areas of teaching and learning, mathematics is a particular passion. Supporting students to make connections between mathematical ideas and identify patterns and rules in our number system gets me very excited. 

In my classroom students are encouraged to be brave, cooperative, and open to learning. It is a safe place to take a risk. Reflection is important, along with the celebration of student success. 

When not at school, time spent mountain biking and exercising my energetic dog keeps me fit for a busy classroom. Helping students learn and develop is at the centre of everything I do and I am happy to continue this journey at Wairakei Primary School.


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