Posts by Briana Te Whare

5 min Read

Tukutuku Tales

As part of the inquiry looking at Māori culture and the inventions that Māori used before the time of British settlers in New Zealand, the students in…

Combining Patterns and Culture

Room 13 learnt about beats, loops, teamwork, and rhythm whilst working with Māori rākau to create a short musical piece to Tutira mai. Māori used thes…

Exploring Māori Tikanga and the of Gifting Pounamu

Pounamu holds a special place in Māori culture, symbolising the connections between people, their ancestors, and the land. To make the learning experi…
4 min Read

Shining the Light on Storytelling

Room 11 has been learning about Māori narratives and how knowledge and history are passed on through the art of storytelling. When Māori first arrived…

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