Posts by Olivia Graham
Steam All The Way - video script
A: Hello and welcome to our geothermal project, I’m Alyssa.
I: I’m India S: I’m Sophie G: I’m Gracie a: and I’m Avery
I: I’m India S: I’m Sophie G: I’m Gracie a: and I’m Avery
Welcome to our Power Station by the Ducky Squad
How Geothermal Power Stations Work
First the steam that comes out of the selected geothermal hot spot gets transferred through the metal pipes to the…
First the steam that comes out of the selected geothermal hot spot gets transferred through the metal pipes to the…

6 min Read
Digital Citizens
Digital citizenship is an overarching concept requiring students to be confident and capable users of digital devices. They can use the language, symb…
4 min Read
Wonder Project - The Beginning
I wonder how we ignite creativity in young Kiwis?
This is the prompt featured on the website of the Wonder Project, Engineering New Zealand’s free p…
This is the prompt featured on the website of the Wonder Project, Engineering New Zealand’s free p…

Writing for Wingspan
Room 8 visited Wingspan, the National Bird of Prey Centre, as part of the inquiry into taonga. As we have found out, these birds are precious treasure…
5 min Read
Digital Media in the Classroom
Students use a range of digital tools to share their learning in the senior school. Each student has a Chromebook or a device brought from home (BYOD)…
7 min Read
Art as Taonga
Kia maumahara ki tōu mana āhua ake. Cherish your absolute uniqueness.
Arts education enables students to generate ideas about themselves, their exper…
Arts education enables students to generate ideas about themselves, their exper…

6 min Read
Our Virtual Learners
Participating in VLN has become a long-standing tradition at Wairakei Primary School - one of the many perks of being a Year 6. VLN stands for ‘Virtua…
5 min Read
Enviroschools’ Hero Project
An “environmental, action-based programme” has provided a unique opportunity to a specialist group of our senior students. This programme, facilitated…
4 min Read
Mathematics Every Day
This crucial curriculum area, featuring numeracy and algebra at its core, backed by the strands of measurement, geometry, and statistics, provides stu…