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4 min Read
Hidden Treasures: Room 5's Native NZ Species Hunt
Room 5 have been researching, gathering facts, and crafting informative reports about Native New Zealand species.

5 min Read
Simple Machines and Measurement
Room 2 has been on a measurement mission. Measuring, constructing, calculating, and discovering the magic of simple machines.
GNS Science visit
Our keen geothermal scientists were thrilled to learn that two of our six power station entries had placed both third and highly commended in the GNS …
4 min Read
Learning from the Past to Protect the Future
Room 11 students are learning about how to keep taonga alive by being kaitiaki. Before they could do this, they had to learn about the taonga they are…

4 min Read
Making Connections
To be a kaitiaki (guardian) of an environmental area you need to be active and connected to it because the land is a taonga (treasure). But what does …

Wriggly wiggly worms
They squirm, move and wriggle around in the dirt. They might seem gross to some but to us, they are pretty cool for our environment.

Getting into Geothermal
GNS Science/Te Pū Ao sponsored the Geothermal Science Competition for primary schools in Taupō, Rotorua and Kawerau. We were keen to join in, share ou…
Geogurls Power Station by Sienna and Mackenzie
We are building a cardboard power station. At the bottom of the main cardboard box, it was our plan to have a fan that blows flour through a toilet ro…
Our Power Station Wairakei - Geothermal Dragons
Our design considerations