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3 min Read

The Writing Process

Students in Room 14 have been building their writing skills by writing everyday with the aim of having their published story completed and published o…
5 min Read

Writing for Wingspan

Room 8 visited Wingspan, the National Bird of Prey Centre, as part of the inquiry into taonga. As we have found out, these birds are precious treasure…

Digital Media in the Classroom

Students use a range of digital tools to share their learning in the senior school. Each student has a Chromebook or a device brought from home (BYOD)…
5 min Read

The journey of who I am so far

Room 4 has been exploring who we are as a person and what makes us who we are. Every child was asked to bring along items that are special to them. We…
4 min Read

Stop, Think, Go - Drop Writing

Drop writing is a way to build writing skills and stamina. There are a few rules to follow to guide students when writing:

Write the whole time, no s…
5 min Read

Plans of Treasure

The New Zealand Curriculum aims to create writers who can form and express ideas on a range of topics. The challenge was to find a topic that could ho…
4 min Read

Wings of our Taonga

New Zealand is home to a vast array of unique and captivating endemic bird species. From the colourful kōtare, to the stunning tūī, these birds are a …

Our Tamariki as Taonga

Room 14 has focused on how tamariki (children) are taonga. We learnt that taonga should be cared for and treasured and why and how we can look after o…
7 min Read

Turning Pages - Dive in to reading

As parents, we often dream of a bright future for our children, wanting them to grow up to be successful, happy, and fulfilled individuals who can mak…
3 min Read

Taonga Time

Our taonga (things we treasure or value) makes us who we are. Room 3 students have investigated their personal taonga and followed a writing structure…

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