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< 1min Read

Walking the Catwalk

Ask the students of Room 3 about the properties of different fabrics and they’ll be able to give you examples of waterproof, warm, stretchy, natural a…
3 min Read

Crazy Catapults

Room 15 students constructed catapults to move pompoms through the air. They were learning how to be an engineer. With their imaginative fluro vests a…
3 min Read

Discovering Conductivity with Microbits

The class have been diving into the world of digital technology and science, starting with the basics of circuits and then extending our learning into…
7 min Read

Exploring the Evolution of Technology: A Journey for Parents

Room 11 embarked on a journey through time, exploring the evolution of technology. From the early days of electricity to today's sleek gadgets, the st…

Room 14 Problem Solvers

Room 14 has been practicing their skills in mathematics. One skill that needed to be learnt was how to use balance scales.
7 min Read

Build a Bridge

Learning to think like an engineer, problem solve, work with others, and share ideas have been front and centre for Room 16. Taking photographs and un…

Mānuka and Kānuka Healing

New Zealand’s native plants have been used for centuries for their medicinal purposes. Room 3 inquired into how they could use locally sourced plants …

Never Eat Soggy Weetbix

How do you remember the points on a compass? Can you follow directions?
4 min Read

Predator Prevention

Can New Zealand become predator-free by the year 2050? Students in Room 2 want to be more than just spectators in this bold initiative.

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