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Clock Dribble

Sounds like a funny name for a sports game. Students make a large circle and the ball is passed clockwise (to the right) or anti clockwise (to the lef…

2022 MERC Taupō Camp

Our Year 6 students challenged themselves to brave the weather and explore what is in our backyard for the annual Year 6 Camp. We changed things up th…

Rising to Success: Epro8 2022

A week-long technology challenge using materials and tools from the Epro8 Technology Challenge, normally an event we attend in person, competing again…
5 min Read

Full Steam ahead for Tokarewa Programme

Showing POWER at Wairakei Primary has moved up a gear with the launch of the Tokarewa Programme.
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Green Makes Me Go

We can experience colour. We can smell and touch colour. We can even feel colour. As part of our Move to Grow inquiry, Room 3 has been exploring colou…

Paint It

We discussed how colour was made, and how easy it is to access any colour we want in the modern age, compared to the middle ages and the renaissance p…

Movewell Team Work makes the Dream Work

What makes a good team, you may wonder? Room 4 are looking at how to cooperate and work together. 

The emphasis is not on winning, but to increase th…
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Let’s read together - The Kings Sock

Share reading is a powerful tool in a teacher’s skill set. A teacher models the skills of a proficient reader including - predicting, examining the pi…
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Six Bricks

A group of teachers sit nervously waiting for the Six Bricks -  professional learning to start. Sitting in front of us are six different coloured Dupl…

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